


University of Tennessee
Neyland Stadium

2010 - ongoing 

Knoxville, TN

180,000+ SF

Archdaily, (2018)
Governors Environmental Stewardship, Sustainable Transportation Solutions, Gate 21 Improvements (2011)
South Central Construction Magazine, Merit Award (2009)

McCarty Holsaple McCarty | Ross Bryan Associates, a Joint Venture, completed phased renovations focusing on the interior and exterior. To compete with rival sports facilities, the goals were to improve the stadium infrastructure and wayfinding, generate game day excitement, and develop levels of fan patronage to enter the 21st Century. Larger-than-life graphics aim to guide, energize, and educate visitors about the program’s accomplished history.

The athletic department requested a new ‘front door’ for the stadium that would stand with dignity, not unlike the Arc de Triomphe. The goal was to maintain existing traditions of the VOL walk into the stadium by the football team and marching band, while also creating new traditions through the entry plaza and gate. The plaza doubles as the campus's central hub for all buses and the nearby hill as a student study/teaching area. During games, these spaces framed by the gate, convert into a massive open space celebrating the start of each game and welcoming 2/3 of the stadium’s 102,000 fans.

Multiple venues are available for varying levels of patronage. For those preferring a personal space experience with indoor seating, Skyboxes are widely popular and share a common hospitality area. One level is dedicated to the University and its guests. The vibrant and modern Terrace Club provides the comforts of private concessions and restrooms while sitting outside. The East and West Club Levels combine the best of all worlds by offering guests covered outdoor seating, varieties of indoor seating, buffet food service, and balcony-level vistas of campus.

Other renovations have included a state-of-the-art Press Level and Media Center, Locker Room, Letterman’s Club, Team Store, Concessions, and Concourses.